Good Citizen Alert

The same kid that acts up for mom, won the coveted award at his school today---Citizenship. At least he behaves somewhere. Isom and I are very proud. I relied on Isom to take pictures of the momentous see there is only one picture in this post---one I took. We're gonna have to work something out for Gabe's graduation. Multiple blurry photos won't suffice. The awardees received a goodie bag filled with a pencil, eraser, bumper sticker, and snack. We sat in the cafeteria with our good citizen while he enjoyed the true reason he behaves consistently well at school---an M & M cookie. Wonder where he gets that from?


Anonymous said…
Yay Gabe!
Larisa said…
The best part is how the following week, in trouble for LYING. What a schizo.

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