The Hunger Games

Just when I was in a reading slump. Thank you Tobi for recommending I check this young adult series out. The one positive thing about my back "going out"---an excuse to lounge around reading this trilogy. I was able to let my imagination whisk me away to Panem. I bought the last of the books at Borders. Literally. The last one they had. They had sold out of a series I hadn't even heard of before walking in to browse. I chatted briefly with the sales girl---had she read it? What did she think? She, an adult like me, loved the first book and was hungry for more. Hmm, two people who love reading recommending the books, sold out (except for one lone pack). The decision was made. I had to have them. Worst case scenario, it was bad and I would give it to someone else, sell it, donate it. No harm done. Well, I won't be giving it to anyone...if you're nice, you can borrow it. Suzanne Collins found a way to incorporate books and t.v. that I love into one riveting story. And now I am addicted. And now I can't wait for the movie. And now I can't wait for Borders to open so I can get the first book of the other series she wrote---Underland Chronicles. Here's what I thought about when I was reading:
1. Night by Elie Wiesel
2. Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt
3. Dawson's Creek
5. Lord of The Flies by William Golding
6. Star Wars
And yes,
7. Twilight by Stephenie Meyers
It boils down to good vs. evil. Love (always love). Survival. Good story telling. I'm not sure what this says about my actual reading level, since I only seem to be hanging out in the Young Adult (okay, teen) section of the bookstore. But, some stories really do bridge age gaps. I hope you'll read it so I can gush to someone who knows what I'm talking about.


Tobi said…
wow!! i'm famous! my name is appearing on the hottest blog on the web! lol! so glad my book recommendation earned a blog entry :)
Larisa said…
heck yeah! and now I've got Sarah hooked too...meeting her in a bit to deliver book two for her to read! and I am reading book one of her other series for kids. worlds biggest dork!

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