La Crepe Cafe

I'm totally off my game! I did not take a picture of my delicious crepes! Manoa is one of the cutest places on Oahu. From the houses, to the shops, to the restaurants. Manoa also holds a special place in my heart since I lived and went to school there from eighteen to twenty-four...don't do the's disappointing how long it took to finish UH. Today, after a purse tour of Ala Moana with Lehua, we decided to have lunch from La Crepe Cafe. It is Manoa's version of a French hole in the wall cafe---complete with accented workers. It's very cute in an unfinished, bohemian way. Lucky for me, they had a lunch combo for under ten bucks. The lunch gods have been in my favor this week. I selected the veggie crepe and the "Romeo and Juliet" crepe---a medley of banana, Nutella, and strawberries. It's name is perfect because it is all about LOVE. So yummy. I ate my dessert crepe first and followed it with the spinach, tomato, and cheese filled crepe that is their veggie. All in all, a crepe little lunch.


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