Ralph Lauren

I watch entirely too much t.v. All I can think about while writing this post is how a future intern for Kelly Cutrone (Kell on Earth) ended up being fired, before even really being hired, because she couldn't keep her mouth, well, her fingers shut. She posted something on the Internet (she was excited!) and poof she was DONE. I know the Factory Outlet at Waikele isn't as "celebrity" as Kelly Cutrone, but still. The thought occurred to me, so of course I had to share it. I need to add a new "category" to the Blog called "job-ing". As part of my "to do" before turning 35 (groan), I decided to apply to at least three jobs (in hopes of getting a call back, interview...JOB). So far, I have applied to:
1. Borders (I re-applied)
2. Old Navy
3. Ralph Lauren
4. Gymboree (well, I filled out the application anyway)
5. Williams Sonoma (holding on to the application...rejection is scary)
6. Apple (about to do it...right after I finish this)
The only luck so far? A late evening call back for a group interview at Ralph Lauren. I am excited and nervous. I keep thinking about Rachel (Jennifer Anniston's character on Friends...there's that t.v. addiction creeping in again). She worked for Ralph Lauren. She also worked in a cafe serving coffee. Since Starbucks passed on me, I guess I don't have that much in common with "Rachel"...Monica on the other hand...
Wish me luck. I look forward to possibly being a Hawaii preppy goddess.


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