Williams Sonoma Baking Demo

This was my favorite demo yet. It didn't involve preparing meat and it involved baking! Mai Ly and I were stuck in the nose bleed section again, but the smells (and taste) were not lost on us. The biggest take away lesson? How to make Pumpkin flavored mochi! I'm not always a huge fan of mochi...but this cute pumpkin cakelet was perfect in every way. I need to try the recipe out before serving to others, but I'm hopeful for a potluck item at Thanksgiving...or in lieu of cupcakes (gasp) for Gabe's class at Halloween. I will need to purchase a few items before the mochi extravaganza can begin---the cute fall baking sheet and Mochiko. If you're gonna make fall inspired mochi, then it needs to be in the shape of mini pumpkins and acorns right? Mai Ly has already successfully prepared a batch (where's mine?!). I'm hopeful it will be her contribution to the October Cooking Club.


Anonymous said…
Haha! You didn't know I was going to bring you some tonight :-) The least I could do for all those cupcakes thrown my way! And yes... most certainly going to be my contribution to Cook Club...and probably every potluck this season!
Larisa said…
What a welcome surprise! I was so happy...still so happy...as I munch on it for a snack this morning. Hey, make sure I get an invite to all these potlucks! :-)

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