Avocado And Lemon Muffins

I stand firm in my belief that these were tasty muffins. They had good, quality ingredients. They had a soft texture mild flavor. I enjoyed them. Isom and Gabe, however, thought they were the worst thing on the planet. Worse than cooked carrots (this is what Gabe thinks they serve in prison to the bad guys). They were practically barfing at the table. I ate one every day for a week for breakfast and was happy to do so. I even shared some with Lena (who will not be made to share her opinion on the muffins...if you didn't like them, that's fine...we just can't be friends anymore). In my defense, it was not a recipe I made up. It was also my first (and apparently last) time making these. And, anyway, Isom and Gabe have poor taste buds. I'd share the recipe, but I'm guessing no one is really all that interested in making their spouse and kid (and possibly good friend) gag. So, I'll just share my photo and be moving along...unless you are interested in a career as prison chef?


Lena said…
sniff sniff... I'll miss you dear friend :(


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