Green Papaya

It's been so long since I've been to a new (to me) restaurant, that I've forgotten how to use my iPhone (sorry for the blur factor). Yesterday, after making an elaborate cupcake plan (I've been commissioned to make 60 Handy Manny Cupcakes for a 5th birthday party), executing my first fondant lettering, and a little shopping at Wal-mart with Lehua, we stopped into what I thought would be a roach invested shack. It wasn't. Phew. The outside of this restaurant is scary---like has the health department seen this place, scary. The tobacco chewing, five o'clock shadow at 11:00 a.m. cab drivers hanging around on the corner weren't helping matters. And of course, I went in anyway. The inside is homey and pleasant. It is a Vietnamese/Vegetarian restaurant, so I knew I would enjoy a savory meal. I decided on the tofu fried rice. One of the dishes I miss most from my meat eating days is fried rice. They all have some sort of pork, meat product, or totally questionable mystery substances in them. Green Papaya however, offered a vegetarian tofu fried rice option. Yahoo! It was a large serving with cucumbers, tomatoes, tofu, broccoli, onions, and cabbage. If anyone is up for some Vietnamese cuisine, please call me, I'd like to return to Green Papaya to try some of their other vegetarian selections...maybe we could take an exciting cab ride somewhere too.


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