You can sort of see the progression as you scroll through the pictures. I wish I had taken more photos. I was really perplexed and caught up in this "assignment". It began easy enough with a simple email request for birthday cupcakes. Sure, no problem, what's a couple dozen cupcakes, after all, I bake them on a weekly basis.

As it turned out, there was nothing "easy" about this project. It was one of those things that despite the best laid plans, nothing actually went according to plan. First, I have discovered that Target, Price Busters, and The Disney Store are the only carriers of
Handy Manny things on island---but mostly big toys, cups, and pj's...not much use in decorating cupcakes. If you want Handy Manny and live on Oahu, you are relegated to online ordering. I don't do online ordering.

The order was for sixty cupcakes, thirty vanilla and thirty chocolate (my Nemesis). Surprisingly, that part worked out just fine. It was the decorating that became...troublesome. Without a wealth of decorating items at my disposal, it was time to get creative...extra creative.

I knew I wanted a tool box incorporated in the design and found the perfect green tool box at Savers...after traveling to Home Depot, Lowes, Ross, Wal-mart, and Price Busters. Good thing I love to drive.

Lehua was such a doll to help me with my first fondant project...ever. It was fun, easy and even though it's not my favorite
flavor, it sure was a breeze to work with...ahem, until I forgot it was in the oven "hardening", and I pre-heated the oven for my cupcakes. One day's work down the drain in seconds. Heart broken and hysterical, I called Isom (why, I don't know, he had no idea what I was sniffling about). I ruined my cupcake decorations! Several Kleenex later, I came up with Plan B.

And it would have worked too, if we had air conditioning, lived on the mainland, and my name was not Larisa. I had to pull things together anyway, despite the double ruined toppers, catching a cold, and cupcake induced misery. In the end, if you had no idea what my plan was, I guess you would say these were cute. The mom and the birthday boy seemed happy enough...although I'm not holding my breath on any future orders. Live and learn. Hopefully the party was a success...and the cupcakes and frosting didn't melt all over the picnic table in the blazing hot sun at the park.
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