Soy Milk Muffins

Ever hear of a place called Starbucks? Well, at this little coffee shop, they sell one healthy-ish thing, the oat cake. I have discovered how to recreate it. Not that I love it so much that I need to be able to make it at home. But sometimes its nice to have a nonfat version of a treat. For those events and days that you're with your health nut friends. Your "go green" friends. Your friends that don't like sugar. So really, they aren't friends. The recipe consisted of brown ingredients---this is the first tip off that things might not be headed in a good direction. Whole wheat flour. Soy milk (I used almond milk instead). Raisins. Two types of nuts. And no, I didn't forget to mention eggs and butter. They were NOT in the recipe. I think you are getting an idea of what this trail mix in disguise was like. Again, I'm hoping they weren't out of coffee at Isom's work---they'll need it to wash down this honey infused granola...muffin (although calling it a muffin...I think that's a stretch).


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