...the movie, not mine (kidding). Another Oscar winning performance from Robert Downey Jr. He was working HARD in this movie. Working hard to make the fact that "the guy from The Hangover"
can not carry a movie based on his "fat Jesus" image and Debarge perm jokes. The movie was funny and I laughed out loud. However,
Due Date was missing something. It was nice to see a cameo from Jamie Foxx but there was too much road trip, slap stick humor for my taste. Maybe it's because I saw this movie alone. Sad huh. I like to take advantage of matinee prices and I my group of stay at home mom buddies (with kids in school) is dwindling. It's definitely time to find a job. Anyway, my point is, sometimes you laugh harder and things seem funnier when you have a buddy to laugh with you. I will watch this when it comes out on DVD and I loved seeing Robert Downey Jr. in something other than Ironman. He is talented, no doubt about it---he made his sidekick seem like a decent actor, so truly he should be winning an award. For crass jokes, off beat humor, a few heart warming moments, and a tour of the American countryside, you should go see this movie. It's
not The Hangover though, no matter how many times they tell you it's written, directed, or produced by the same guys...so don't get your hopes up.
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