Egg Nog and Chocolate Swirl Cupcakes

These were the first really tasty thing I have baked in awhile. I even took the liberty of substituting milk for eggnog. It's that time of year when I feel everything should have eggnog in it. Just today we had eggnog French toast. It was a hit with me but not with Isom. Eggnog is like me, it goes with everything! These cupcakes were jumbo sized since they were really supposed to be mini bundt cakes...yeah, you called it, I don't have a bundt pan. I adapted. I felt like I baked something right out of the Starbucks display case. I was super impressed with my ability to make a swirled pastry! It's as easy as splitting the batter, adding chocolate to one half, and then layering it as you place it in the muffin tin (or bundt pan if you are lucky enough to have one). We enjoyed these for breakfast on Saturday and as a snack throughout the day---you know, whenever I needed an eggnog fix. I am interested in baking eggnog chocolate swirl loaves now...perfect Holiday pick me up, gift, or um breakfast! They go great with coffee...and EGGNOG.


FootPrints said…
LARISA!! i just discovered your blog from your facebook profile!! ok i NEED to know how you made the egg nog french toast and how did it taste!!
Sonya from Moms in Hawaii
Larisa said…
Aloha Sonya! Welcome, welcome to my BLOG! I added yours to my site...I love it! Isn't it fun? I will message you about the eggnog French Toast! :-)
FootPrints said…
YES. i tell everyone it's like therapy.

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