Genki Sushi

...has cupcakes?! Who knew? Seriously, who knew and didn't tell me? I rarely eat here. Maybe it's because our waitress didn't know if mochi ice cream was ice cream...she was very perplexed about it and could only offer me and my dining companions the following information about mochi ice cream---"we keep it in the fridge". Maybe she is a smart ass working here for her own amusement (much the way I blog). Nonetheless, I enjoyed a fabulous chocolate, caramel, and peanut butter cupcake after four different plates of some sort of shrimp sushi (small plates...really!). This cupcake was a Starbucks caramel macchiato disguised as a mini cake. Clearly, it was a good, unexpected day. A pedicure, is what started me walking in the right direction...and I ended up at Borders in Waikele where I met one friend intentionally and another accidentally...the result, surprise lunch gathering at Genki with two fab ladies...and a cupcake! (Good name for a new t.v. show don't ya think?) Where will these feet take me tomorrow?


FootPrints said…
mmmm you know who makes a good macchiato in a cupcake? JANE (chubby Cheeks) DELICIOUS!!
Larisa said…
Ok, Jane and I gotta have a cupcake date then! I'm not usually a huge fan of peanut butter in pastry items but it was delicious!

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