Too bad Hans Solo, I mean Harrison Ford, is now showing his actual age. I really enjoy his younger model---Indiana Jones, Star Wars, even Regarding Henry. In recent years I haven't been impressed with him.
Morning Glory, however, brought him back to someone I could somewhat stomach. Diane Keaton on the other hand has kept me entertained regardless (I especially love the movie she did with Keanu...Somethings Gotta Give). Rachel McAdam's is the new Meryl Streep. She picks good movies, good roles, and then does a good job acting. Win, win, win. Since these are my last few days of "retirement" before t-shirt folding mania begins, I thought I would take in a movie. A matinee. I live three minutes away from the theater and I have a routine. Check movie time via Fandango app on iPhone. Calculate that there is enough time to watch the previews (not just the movie) and still arrive to Gabe's school five minutes before two, in order to pick him up. Purchase tickets at Fandango machine inside theater. No personal interaction whatsoever. Usually that is a brilliant plan. Here's why it wasn't today. On the phone and at the machine, there's no one to tell you that you have just paid $7.50 for the "Cry Baby Matinee". I stroll into the theater and narrowly miss running into the changing table in the middle of the aisle, only to find a mom and her 10 month old new walker sprawled out across the rest of the theater. Yes, I'm a mom. Yes, moms need to get out and see movies too. Yes, I'm complaining about going to a matinee while my kid is at school. Thankfully, it all turned out fine. Her baby was really good. Really good. I kinda forgot they were there. And to the new moms credit, she totally came up to me and asked if I knew what I had gotten myself into (no, I DIDN'T know, but I paid $7.50 and I wasn't leaving!) I'm no techie genius, BUT, I'm thinking an addition to the mobile movie application as well as the machine that spits out tickets, could be added. A simple warning. A label, like how the movies are labeled---G, PG, PG-13, R...CBP (crying babies present). The movie (and my experience) were very good. An upbeat, no shooting, low cussing, minimal hanky panky movie...and it takes place in NYC, as all good shows and movies do. My only complaint, ha ha, was another bad wig job. Come on---if the actress has short hair in real life, maybe you should just keep it that way for the movie. I'm not fooled by these wack job wigs...really. So, to all you actresses out there---the wig stylist es muy importante. Comprende?You can be giving the performance of a lifetime but if you are wearing the worlds worst wig, you are not believable in any way. Moral---if you are an actress, make friends with the wig stylist. I know such a thing exists. I saw it on The REAL Housewives of Atlanta, so it must be true.
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