Pop Rock Cupcakes

I couldn't let Halloween pass without some sort of baking homage to ghoulish spirits. I had been wanting to make the pop rock cupcake recipe from my book for awhile. For several weeks I was on a mission to find pop rocks (found them at Party City and Hot Topic). On Friday when I was helping Lehua decorate for her Halloween fiesta, she gave me these cute skull and cross bone cupcake liners with decorative picks. Isom's work will be all "boo-ed" out. Last week they received two Halloween treats and now today, an after trick-o-treat cupcake that actually tastes and feels more like a sugar cookie...I don't know what went wrong---the ghosts of cupcakes past I guess.


Anonymous said…
I want some!!
Larisa said…
It was fun to hear them popping...like Rice Crispies!

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