Starbucks Holiday

(Hum Johnny Mathis classic) "It's beginning to look a lot like CRAZY, everywhere I go...
Take a look at the ornaments, glistening once again...
in my house! Surely you remember that my other beloved Starbucks Christmas ornaments are sitting in the wacky space under the stairs due to my fake shelf debacle--and if you don't remember, then all I can say is someone (Isom) will be drilling through the wall to save my ornaments since Christmas is only five weeks away! Last night, I believe the Waikele store was putting out their Christmas stuff a tad early. Fine by me. I scooped up the first ornament there. This morning, I scooped up the second at the Mililani store and utilized my 15% off coupon. Even better. Grabbed my collectible (at least to me) gift cards and my cranberry bliss bar (I mean it has BLISS in the name!) and my kick off to holiday was official! Merry Starbucks to all and to all a good night!


FootPrints said…
ooohh i forgot i had that 15% off card!! i'm gonna get the ornament!
Larisa said…
I am sad that the barista took it away...I was hoping for a double use out of it!
FootPrints said…
ha dare her!

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