I think I must be suffering from tired-itus or seen one too many kid flick-itus. I think we saw
Tangled on Friday. My days and nights have been somewhat distorted (not from excessive eggnog) from shift work. Thanksgiving I worked nine to two in the afternoon. Friday was midnight to nine in the morning. Saturday was seven to four in the afternoon. So, while we jammed fun stuff into the weekend, it's hard for me to say
when any of the fun stuff may have occurred. I do know that I had actually been looking forward to this movie opening...even requesting that the boys wait for me to watch it. As it turns out, I'm kinda wishing I had been able to see Harry Potter part fifty million instead. Maybe I'm not a "princess and the prince" kind of gal. Except I loved Enchanted, love The Little Mermaid, and well, my theory for why I didn't like this movie is going out the window. I did nod off for a few minutes here and there---but to me that means it wasn't interesting enough to hold my attention. There was an entire row of four year old girls behind me kicking my seat also. Still, it was neither of these things that made this movie just "okay" to me. I wasn't expecting singing. I didn't like the songs very much, they weren't catchy enough for me. I also didn't recognize the voices of the characters, so from the start it was an "off" movie. For those of you with little girls, they will love it (and you may too).
But for me, Keanu lover, bookworm, Starbuckaholic---it just didn't cut it (ha ha). I'll give it a whirl on DVD, but I'm not hopeful for a miraculous change of heart. Thank goodness I have the upcoming Eclipse DVD release to look forward too.
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