Thanks To My Veterans

The closest Veteran to me (literally and figuratively) is Isom. Although he has now completed his service with the United States Army, he is still involved with soldiers on a daily basis. So, it's like six degrees of separation or something---the military is all around us, especially here in Hawaii---you can't escape their spirit, their bases, their spouses, their kids...and it's a good thing. I have the military to thank for bringing my grandpa here, my dad here, and later my future husband here...and countless, priceless friends---(Ashley, Bess, Danielle, Tobi---I miss you guys!) All the major (no pun intended) men in my life have all been affiliated and served their country in some capacity. Thank you. Your service is appreciated. Here's to grandpa, dad, and Isom...and all the other service men and women here and abroad. I know it's only one day, one post, but you are appreciated always. I really wish I had a picture with the three of them in it. I couldn't even uncover any good photos of Isom in uniform, so in lieu of Isom in his camo (which I'm sure he is grateful for), I have included pictures of the wives...the ones sending the care packages, watching over the kids, supporting one another while their husbands are in faraway places. Thanks for reminding me Grandma, that Veteran can apply to those left behind as well.


Anonymous said…
Awww, thank you so much for this! It truly means a lot. :)
Unknown said…
OMG - just saw that pic, miss you too!
Larisa said…
Ashley! Sometimes it seems like yesterday and other times a life time! I hope you guys had a great holiday weekend!

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