Love And Other Drugs

LOVE. THIS. MOVIE. It could be due to the actors. They are both great and not caught up in their own fame. From Donnie Darko and Rachel Getting Married, I fell in love with them. This movie is reason to love them more. It isn't a statement movie. It isn't a cry your eyes out movie. It isn't a cliffhanger on the edge of your seat movie. It is just a glimpse of a few moments (well, several, and most of them big) in the life of two people who happen to fall in love along the way. It is understated comedy and the type of movie that makes you want to read the there a book? Who knows, but if there is, I'm finding it. The movie opens with a song from The Spin Doctors and already I knew I would find it perfect for my quirky movie tastes. I love it when I go to the movies and come out feeling like I've done something great by sitting around on my butt for two hours eating popcorn and peanut M&Ms. No matter the candy, I think you'll find you love this movie too...if not, at least you get to admire Jake Gyllenhaal's...uh, work.


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