Merry December

Survived another month...almost another year. December we meet again. The first of our Christmas parties is happening this weekend. It sounds swanky. Ala Moana Hotel. I am desperate for something non denim to wear. Too bad Old Navy doesn't sell cocktail ensembles. The first day of December (or Bill's---my brother-in-law pictured above---birthday--HAPPY BIRTHDAY!). I'm glad it's not my birthday because it is an absolute wreck outside. The rain has been coming down all night. So much for trying to straighten my hair last night. As the official month of Christmas begins, I realize that I am not as prepared for the impending chaos as I expected. No Christmas cards done. No Christmas tree purchased. No presents for Isom (sorry hon). So, I have 24 days to make it happen. Maybe I can kill a few birds at once...Christmas photo in front of freshly bought (already almost dead) Christmas tree, wrap it in a bow and call it good for Isom. No? Well, wish me luck.


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