Monster Cookies

A love of M&Ms is something Gabe and I have in common. Whenever he can, he will try to get me to buy him the giant M&M cookie from Cookie Corner. I give in from time to time. I know what he is going through after all. While Gabe loves the Cookie Corner, I love the Monster cookie---baked from scratch. I don't know who made up the name, but it is fitting. It is the monster of all cookies. I first learned, tasted, fell in love with this cookie when we were living in Washington. Isom's mom would make these and I would lose my mind. Oatmeal, M&Ms, peanut butter, an option to add nuts or raisins or both. It is so big and hearty, it is a meal. I decided to bake some as holiday gifts for co-workers, Isom's co-workers, and folks at Gabe's school (and lucky friends can partake in what's left). This cookie is not for the weak. You must be a serious cookie lover to appreciate the beast that is the MONSTER cookie. Or a be a beast yourself.


Lena said…
Looks good! (hint hint) ;)
Larisa said…
I catch your drift. When will I see though? Must be SOON or these will be all gone!

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