...was the book we read (okay, that I already read and didn't find the time to re-read, so I re-watched the movie instead) for this months book club. You would think we would go with a Christmas theme for our December book club. Instead we chose to go with an Indian theme to correlate with the book. I'm so glad we did. Our hostess with the mostess was Kim and she made several dishes that of course I can't name or spell. They were delicious and vegetarian. We did a little discussing, but mostly eating and laughing. We were in the spirit of the holidays. And I suppose our "white elephant" gift exchange counts as something Christmas-y. I came away with two Ziplock bags of Indian food leftovers (not part of the white elephant exchange) and a new stocking hanger (perfect, now I don't have to share with Isom). As for
the book, it is a great read (I remember loving it the first time around...which was over two years ago). I also remember trying to read
Gogol's The Overcoat (from which the main character in The Namesake gets his name). That didn't go over as well. I'm hoping to give it another shot...right after I finish this teen lit book I'm reading...
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