One Dimensional Gingerbread Houses

Tis the season and all that jazz. Too bad its too humid here to actually accomplish much in terms of putting together an authentic gingerbread house. The kids attempted anyway and had fun licking icing off semi clean fingers again. Their creativity shined and despite a gingerbread house that wasn't standing, it was a great way to spend Christmas Eve afternoon in Hawaii.


Anonymous said…
Looking at your posts makes me wonder if I'm the only person in the world who didn't realize that you should decorate the house BEFORE it's put together? You're so smart...!
FootPrints said…
every year i say i'm gonna do ginger bread houses and we dont. I SUCK, and your a good mommy
Larisa said…
Thanks you guys! And FYI, the decorating "before" actually happened know, everything fell apart and we had to make a plan B!

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