Rain Can't Dampen My Holiday Spirit

...yet. If we have to endure 40 days and nights of this, then maybe. Yesterday, I ran all over Oahu delivering holiday cheer. I felt like Santa. Gabe was my lone reindeer. Can't exactly call him Rudolph...he does have the sniffles, but his nose hasn't turned red...yet. We began our holiday deliveries (on behalf of our friend Malia: mdenistraining) around 11:00 a.m. at UH Manoa and ended around 3:00 p.m. in Pearl City. The fun pit stops carried us through....Starbucks (of course), Hokulani Bakeshop (duh), lunch at Boston's Pizza (nom, nom, nom). So despite the rain and being on the road, faux Rudolph and I had an enjoyable first day of Christmas Vacation. We saw countless Christmas displays, two couples getting married (they weren't gonna let the rain bother them either), an ambulance, a military tank convoy, and a partridge in a pear tree.


FootPrints said…
WOW. i wanted to stay in the house and never leave yesterday! your THE woman! my hubby and i have no kids today because we're finishing our x-mas shopping...you've inspired me to stop for cupcakes!
Larisa said…
It's always a good day for a cupcake!

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