Wii Succumbed

I'm ashamed to say this is the only Christmas present opening picture from 2010 that we have. I forgot to charge our real camera. I forgot to harass Isom to use his slightly better camera phone. So, here we have it. A two sips into my eggnog latte photo---unfocused, bad lighting, lazy camera operator, and oh yeah, with a PHONE. My apologies to the photography gods. I'm thinking my New Years Resolution should be to get my photo life in order. Get my photography act together. Do they make a camera that's as light and easy to use as my phone though?! At any rate, Santa brought Isom, I mean Gabe, a Wii. The boys have been standing in front of the couch, arms outstretched towards the t.v., and surprisingly sweaty ever since. I have yet to become involved in the Wii-ing. In due time. I've been too busy iPad-ing. Thanks Santa.


Anonymous said…
We went WII too!
Larisa said…
It's better than I thought it would be!

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