Happy New Year!

...four days late. I've been very behind on my blogging. I wish it was because I have been traveling the world, writing the next great novel, or baking. Sadly, none of those things are true. I have been working. I have been watching over a sick Isom. I have been reading on my new iPAD! I have been watching New Moon on my iPAD! I have been spending a lot of quality time with...my iPAD! I don't have any new year resolutions (except maybe get a cover for my precious iPAD). I already made my list of things to improve on before turning 35, I'm thinking that can cover for a resolution or two. I haven't accomplished all the things on that list, but I have definitely hit some. For 2011, I'm just hoping to survive. New job, new side projects on the back burner, I have enough on my plate. So, I'll just wish you all a very happy new year, continue to do the good things that I'm doing, and hope that other good things come my way by virtue of the good people already in my life. And if that doesn't work, at least I have my iPAD.


FootPrints said…
i'm so jealous beyond words that you have an ipad. not jealous that you have to nurture as sick man. they are worse than babies.
happy new year
Larisa said…
I know! A sick man is LOUSY. I'm happy to share my iPAD!

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