Cold Stone Ice Cream Cookie!

There hasn't been time, nor have I been feeling up for, my usual baking---and therefore treats. But, thanks to incredible friends and a recent birthday, I secured a Cold Stone Creamery gift card. Which is pretty much like gold. After a lunch date with hubby plus two tag a longs (Sarah and Gavin joined us), I decided it was time for something sweet. It was a hot day yesterday so Cold Stone was the perfect treat choice. I was even happier when I walked in and saw the above pictured treat calling my name. Remember the Chipwich from when you were a kid? If we were outside playing and the ice cream truck came around, that was what I would get...every single time. I mean, it's a combination of ICE CREAM and COOKIES. Tremendous. So yesterday's dessert was both refreshing and nostalgic.


FootPrints said…
HOLY SHNIKIES. i think we need a pregnancy EATING meetup
Larisa said…
Uh, YES!!! Weekly. :-)
Anonymous said…
I miss your baking :(
Larisa said…
Me too Lena, me too!

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