Adventures With Flat Stanley

I'm not rolling my eyes, although maybe I should be. Can't anyone see what they are taking a picture of? Wasn't it obvious that my eyes were closing and doing something weird? Most people that receive a visit from Flat Stanley immediately drive to the nearest historical site or place that makes their city our case, that'd be the gorgeous beach. Not us. Not me. I slid Flat Stanley into my purse and carried him off to work with me. And then started my process of making Flat Stanley...FAT Stanley. After picking Gabe up from school we headed to the closest shave ice location and loaded up on sugary syrupy ice! Gabe was excited to share root beer (clearly the flavor of the islands) with Flat Stanley. I was excited to bake with Flat Stanley. He's already becoming part of the family...Gabe really may cry when it comes time to ship him (Flat Stanley, not Gabe that is) back to North Carolina. He's the best Lego play mate, he doesn't make a peep and he takes up limited space. Today we're having a BBQ with Flat Stanley and tomorrow he gets to do construction on the baby room...what a Hawaiian adventure he is having.


Anonymous said…
I was wondering why Carter's teacher sent two Flat Stanely's home. I don't get it. Did I miss something?
Larisa said…
I don't know why you would get two? Maybe one to send and one to keep?

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