Boy Oh Boy!

Is that a big baby boy or what? I'm only a little over four months! Yesterday, Isom and I went to Kaiser Hospital for the big ultrasound. I was excited for Isom. He didn't get to experience the fun of seeing your kid on a computer screen last time. The appointment started off rocky since what I was told and what they had in their records did not match...we waited for 45 minutes while it got sorted out. In the meantime, we saw some very interesting unsavory characters in the waiting area. All sorts have babies I guess. After getting squeezed in, we were able to confirm that Peanut has all ten fingers and all ten toes, two big feet, two hands, two arms, two legs...and a little boy part confirming that I will now be completely outnumbered and surrounded by smelly, testosterone filled boys for the next 18 years. Although it would have been nice to see what a little girl would be like, we are very happy with the news from yesterday, after all, I'm I don't have to do or learn anything new. The only one not entirely happy with yesterday's news? Gabe. He was sure we were kidding with him when we told him. Now I wish I had gotten the reaction on film. We've got about five months to convince him baby boys are great...looks like we will be the number one customers at the Lego store from now until August.


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