"Corn On The Cob" Cupcakes

Since I have been craving corn (Weird huh? What does that mean?), I thought these cupcakes, from the Hello Cupcake book I just obtained, were the perfect kick off to what is hopefully me back in the kitchen on my days off. It has been about three months since any real baking has taken place. The fun was not just in the decorating, but in the hunting and gathering of the oddball ingredients. Cupcakes are already whimsical, but this was double whimsical. I'd like to take a class on turning all foods (not just cupcakes) into something unexpected...make a sandwich that looks like pizza...steak that looks like a milkshake...something wacky. You may remember the "Turkey" cupcakes Lehua and I made for Thanksgiving...same book. Same wacky whimsy. As long as I can acquire the necessary ingredients, I think I have found a solution to the cupcake baking rut I was in...now here's an idea for a different kind of bakeshop...Whimsy Cakes! Perfect for that party when you must have cupcakes that look like dirt (literally)...that office party where the cupcake needs to be a stapler...might be on to something here, or not. Happy March.


juliesumile said…
OMG!!!!! These are so realistic looking....cute, cute, cute!!!!!!
Larisa said…
Thanks so much...very fun to make.
Anonymous said…
Um, holy moly! I need a quick reference to show my Godmother all of your creations. I'm trying to explain to her all of them!
Larisa said…
It's all in my book!

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