I have been feeling nervous about baby boy number two. For one, I only had girl names on my list. For two, it's another boy! Who knew that seeing Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules, would help me feel better about being surrounded by stinky boys? I loved this movie. I must be meant to have boys...because the boys in this movie are crazy...and I loved them. Last year, we saw Diary of a Wimpy Kid and I was hooked on this cute book series turned cute movie series. The second movie did not disappoint. I found myself imagining my two boys running wild, throwing unauthorized parties, going on late night adventures with one another, and bonding over how idiotic mom and dad are (uh, me and Isom). I was amused. Gabe loved it as much as I did, so I know I have some great brotherly fun to look forward to with him and baby boy Majors 2. However, we will not be naming him Rodrick.
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