...and moms need to bring tissue with them when they go to see this movie. It's bad enough when my own kid yells mean things at me, but to see it on the big screen (cartoon or not) is extra sad. And in typical Disney fashion, there is a dying/dead mom to one of the characters in the film...enough with that already. Bambi, Fox and the Hound, Finding Nemo, The Little Mermaid...and then there's all the other ones where the dad or both parents die. Disneyland may be the "happiest place on earth" but their movies are NOT. I think the creators think there can't be a happy ending without some death in the beginning. It's too bad but maybe I should be thankful that it is opening up the door to discussing death with my seven year old...come to think of it...no! I fell asleep for about fifteen or twenty minutes in this movie, but Gabe claims to have loved every minute of it...except for when he escaped to the bathroom. I guess I'm just old fashioned in the sense that I want my cartoons to be upbeat, happy, not heavy, and funny. This movie had some memorable characters---the evil martian leader was pretty classic, but other than that, this was not one of my all time favorite kid movies. I like the ones that keep a smile on my face...not a box of tissues by my side.
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