The Perks Of Retail

...other than the great discount on clothes and getting out of the house, is the people you meet. My co-workers are pretty great, but my customers are too...and I think that's rare. Over the weekend I met two cute little girls from the North Shore. They were on a shopping mission. They were patient while each of the other shopped, found clothes, and tried them on. They gave opinions to their mom while she did the same. They had smiles on their faces even though they had been in the store for over three hours. About halfway through they no longer had snacks to help keep them occupied. I stepped in with some printer paper from the back office, and a few colored pencils and highlighters (it's all we had). The girls were ecstatic. Something other than Old Navy clothes to entertain them for the rest of their shopping excursion. And when it was all said and done, the girls emerged from their fitting room with the above beautiful drawing (I think it's supposed to be me) as my thank you...wish I could come home from work with art everyday.


Samual said…
I really appreciate you for posting such a great Blog. Merchandising starts at the root of sourcing the products. This means that retailers need to be able to have close relationships with their suppliers in order to get the best deals.

merchandising products

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