Tsurvived The Tsunami

...in part with a gourmet treat from Taco Bell. Yes, they now serve shrimp. For fast food, I'd say that's gourmet. Thursday nights are for T.V. watching. There's The Office, 30Rock, Grey's Anatomy, The REAL Housewives...I love Thursdays. Last night I was all set to get rooted into my favorite spot on the couch. Remote poised, I took my last sip of water for awhile (hate to interrupt the viewing with too many runs to the bathroom), and decided that 30Rock would be the first item on the DVR list to go through...what's this? Not Alec Baldwin. Not Tina Fey. Keahi Tucker and Stephanie Lum?! Huh? In my confusion, I thought there was a special "Hawaii" version of 30Rock with the two co-anchors. No such luck. An 8.9 earthquake had hit Japan (now upgraded to 9.1...holy guacamole...rather, holy sushi!). Quicker on interpreting this information than I was with why Alec and Tina were not on 30Rock, I immediately realized the ramifications for Hawaii---Tsunami. And then I proceeded to be glued to the couch for another reason---live coverage of what could potentially be a disastrous wave headed toward the island chain. The sirens started at 10:45 p.mish and the final siren ended at 2:45 a.m. It was a long and loud night. Gabe (and of course Isom) slept through the excitement. We live on higher ground (cue Red Hot Chili Peppers music) , so we were never in any danger. No property or person damage here. Just severely sleep deprived...which made for a long day today...which led to the urge, no need, for Taco Bell. Thanks to everyone who was worried and thinking about us...I promise we are just fine...I'm blogging and baking after all. Let's just hope I can get a better nights sleep tonight AND ESPECIALLY that the folks in Japan receive aid in the way of food, money, and medical assistance right away...


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