African Cats

I liked Disney's The Lion King better. That at least had some catchy songs. I fell asleep for a few minutes during this film. I don't think it was due to the movie so much as pregnancy, but even Gabe seemed a little bored. I guess we both need more excitement or plot in our movies. The scenery was breathtaking and of course the documentary style movie was informative. Gabe had fun naming all the animals that came on screen. There were a few endearing moments with the cheetah cubs. Overall, I'd say I could skip out on another movie like this though. I just can't get excited about animals. I did like the narration by Samuel L. Jackson, he put a soulful touch on the wild cats. I also enjoyed the comedic touch at the end...but you'll have to go see it to find out about it. Or, if you're like me, you'll be fine to never watch this movie and therefore never know about the ending. This movie was so unimpressive to me, that I have nothing to say or write about it. Blah.


Anonymous said…
Carter really wanted to see this as well. THanks for the headsup!
Larisa said…
He will probably love it more than I did.

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