I did it. I walked three miles while pregnant. Not a huge feat for most, but if you know me, you know it is monumental for me. Much like my first 10K, I wasn't overly confident that I would make it...but I did. A big mahalo to all the generous donations from my "sponsors" that I received. When I turned in the funds to the registration table, I received a huge smile, a sincere thank you, an appreciative approval of my fundraising efforts, and a FREE T-SHIRT! The "maternity" size (which I guess is XL since that's what the t-shirt lady handed me) can be seen in the photo above...big huh?

The weather was sunny and muggy but preferable to torrential downpour. There were so many exuberant characters to see. There was a contest for coolest/funniest team theme (we did not win...but there's next year!), so of course I found entertainment in people watching. The turnout to support
Life Foundation was terrific. The walk was twenty years strong this year and I was proud to be able to waddle my way around Kapiolani park for three sweaty miles.
And, I got to pose in front of a Starbucks banner and eat lunch at Zippy's. I only wish the Geico Gecko that was there would have posed for a picture with me. It was a good morning of philanthropy, exercise, and surprisingly...Starbucks!
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