Big Kahuna Pizza

The food I associate most with my pregnancy with Gabe? Meat. Any kind. Any time. Any where. I even (you may recall) damaged my car trying to get said meat. This pregnancy, the food I will associate with most? Bread. Wheat. White. Stuffed. Doughy. Sweet. Toasted. Topped with cheese. I heard (from James Franco on Inside the Actors Studio) that obsession really can be latent talent. Does this mean I have a talent for eating...bread? Where's the high paying job for that? The movie of my bread eating life...Soul Bread...eater? I discovered that Big Kahuna, the pizza place next to Blimpie's (they have great fresh baked bread), has wonderful (and cheap) bread. Last weekend, we ate a late lunch there and I departed from my usual veggie pizza and got...a veggie sandwich! I'm so original. The bread was amazing, so I had to ask "do you sell just the bread?". Why yes, they do...for a little over a buck. Sold. And for the next two days I had the most amazing bread for breakfast---with cream cheese, with cheddar cheese, with jelly, with jelly and cream cheese, plain. It was wonderful.


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