International Reunion Day

...or another chance to eat JJ French pastry and food. Well, really it is one day a year devoted to reconnecting with my Alpha Gamma Delta sorority sisters. This year was our first year enjoying our luncheon at J2 Asian Fusion (the sister restaurant to JJ French). It didn't matter that I had just enjoyed breakfast at JJ French the day before. Nope, not at all. For IRD I enjoyed another new to me dish, the seafood brioche. Dessert was a moist, not overly rich red velvet mini layered cake (nicely decorated for the occasion I might add). It was a lovely, leisurely morning (except for the two block walk from my parking space and trying not to sneeze or cough too much...I've caught another mild cold). It was great catching up with my sisters, not working on a Saturday, and having some dessert time. I mean girl time. And I learned that J2 Asian Fusion fits 60 people, if you're looking for a place to hold an event...might I suggest choosing J2...and also inviting me!


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