It's A New Couch

...for me to lounge on, spend my days reading on, watching endless hours of Twilight on, and relaxing this summer on, before baby arrives. Our last couch was my "dream" couch. It was a leather couch with a pull out bed. I wanted the leather in order to provide easy (easier) clean up from the inevitable spill, puke, dirty fingers and feet (not necessarily all belonging to the kid). As it turned out, the "dream" sofa was the WORST. It was too small, it was sticky, it started to crack and eventually tore and ripped and ended up looking not so great. So, the NEW dream couch? A fabric (not leather) sectional. The big "L" shape. Last weekend we went couch shopping. We went into exactly ONE store, sat on exactly ONE couch, and were sold. It's a sectional. It's fabric (not leather). It is BIG. It is comfy. Bonus feature? It also has a pull out bed. Come on over! I haven't been this giddy about a new piece of furniture in awhile. Let's hope it lasts. Let's also hope my water doesn't break while I'm lounging on said couch.


Anonymous said…
We've gone sectional too!
Larisa said…
Aren't you in love?!

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