Just A Little Tribute

...to one of my favorite bands. Today is the anniversary (is that what you call it when someone dies?) of Kurt Cobain's death. I remember it very vividly since I was a senior in high school and was totally obsessed with Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and Red Hot Chili Peppers at the time. It was a weird day at school and everyone was talking about it and passing around the newspaper...imagine...no Facebook. We were all engrossed in his story...and the sad ending of it. I still love this band, (listened to them all day today) but unfortunately, for obvious reasons, they won't be coming to concert, releasing any new albums, anything. I know I should be sad for the loss of a person, but I'm really sad for the loss of the music. Here's to Kurt...and his one time drummer who turned the tragedy of Nirvana into...The Foo Fighters.


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