Soul Surfer

I didn't particularly like this movie. It was a little too hokey and religious for my personal taste. I haven't forgotten that it is based on a book, that is based on a real person's life---a person that obviously has been through a lot, but if she can survive a shark attack, I'm sure she can survive one mom saying "this movie was kind of junk". I remember when Bethany Hamilton was in the news...we had just moved back to Hawaii with our three month old baby (talk about traumatic). While I do love a good underdog story, and stories of of beating insurmountable odds, this story was out of the realm of what I could relate to. I'll never be a soul surfer. I'll never be someone who can't go a day without getting in the ocean. While I can relate to obsession (food, for example), other than choking or carrying around a little extra weight, my obsession won't be getting me maimed or injured (famous last words). I am glad there are positive movies for young kids...but this is one movie I wish I had gone to see by myself...and saved Gabe the visual trauma and heavy heart that he and I both left the theater with.


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