According to "the book", I should be feeling fewer mood swings (I'm sure Isom would disagree), continued absentmindedness (what was I talking about again?), some boredom with the pregnancy (could explain the excess of movies I've been to lately), and anxiety about the future (yeah, of my house...there is flooring, painting, and drywall to be done!).What to Expect When You're Expecting isn't very fun, light reading. Pout. But, I guess it's pretty informative. At my doctor's appointment today, they measured my belly and I listened to the heartbeat and learned I have not gained an excess of weight (yet). A successful visit! I'm sure a pregnancy picture is LONG overdue (hee, hee) but, I just can't seem to get the right angle myself and those "fewer mood swings" are preventing me from asking the hubby. Soon, though...I promise...as long as I don't forget.
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