Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Balls

If only I adored peanut butter as much as Gabe does. If only I adored anything as much as he does. The boy has heart. Passion. Yes, it's for peanut butter and Legos, but passion nonetheless. I do enjoy being in the kitchen, however, so this no bake treat was fun. This recipe was from my favorite cooking duo, The Neely's again. The cooking duo of Larisa and Lehua made this summer treat happen. Lehua had made a much more complex version of the peanut butter ball before. Since I don't adore peanut butter or complex things, I had pretty much written this treat off...until The Neely's showed me how to dumb down the recipe. So, eight ounces of melted chocolate and eighteen ounces of (mixed with sugar and vanilla extract) peanut butter later, a frozen treat fit for Gabe's last day of school---last day of second grade that is---was made. My heart was breaking yesterday so I had to do something to keep myself busy. Maybe I should have focused on the complex recipe...


Gem said…
OMG. that looks sooooo good. My fave combo--chocolate and peanut butter!
Larisa said…
Thank you so much! It's super rich.

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