The Greatest Movie Ever Sold

Genius is often misunderstood. I should know. Smile. I was a fan of Morgan Spurlock's other well known movie---Supersize Me. I didn't eat McDonald's for months after that. I wish I could say that I won't watch t.v. or movies and notice all the "evils of advertising" after watching this movie, but there are some things that just can't be done...unless we lose power for a month. As a documentary film maker, Spurlock already has qualities that I admire in any artist/film maker---he is obviously motivated and interested in making a point on something he is passionate about, not just churning out crap for the sake of making millions of dollars. The premise of the film is a behind the scenes look at what it takes to make a blockbuster film in America these days. The answer, advertising and marketing. Branding. Linking your ideas/brands with another bigger, richer company to get to the masses. So, this is what The Greatest Movie Ever Sold does. The entire movie is interviews, product pitches, reality footage of a one man crusade. An adventure in garnering $1.5 million dollars from product deals in order to finance his movie. Remember what I said about genius? Many did not understand, but a few did, and Spurlock successfully sold everything from deodorant to cars to pizza to gas to deliver a message about big business and it's hold on both the business world and the American public. Ever think you thought of something all on your own? Well, you didn't. It was probably sponsored by Subway. Those polo shirts you love to wear? That toothpaste that is supposed to brighten and whiten your teeth? Makes you wonder what's true and what's not...


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