Baby Steps

Leave Isom alone for more than two hours, and this is what you can come home to. He greeted me with "I have good news, and I have bad news." I can't remember what the good news was. The stairs are walkable again, but really, how many surprises does a pregnant lady need? I say the answer is NONE. As we await the arrival of baby steps from Zachary, we are making baby steps of progress on finishing our house. Isom has turned our ode to all things '70s town house into a modern, homey space...the get there are just some times, well, much like a pregnant lady climbing a ladder.


Anonymous said…
Wait, did you just throw in the baby's name? Is Zachary going to be the name?!?! AWWWWW!!!!!
Larisa said…
Yes, Zachary ? Majors...still working on a middle name.

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