Baja Sunday

One of both me and Isom's favorite meals is fish tacos. Thankfully, Isom is an expert fish maker. His blackened ahi beats any Hawaii restaurant. His blackened catfish brings me back to the South. Even ordinary salmon is turned into a culinary delight at his hands. Today, we had what I'd like to be the first of many Baja Sundays. Fish tacos and mocktails (cocktails come September). Light, refreshing, crisp, tangy, spicy. I could eat this meal every week, so why not every Sunday. Let's hope my tastes don't change after baby is born, because then I hope to eat three tacos instead of two...I literally did not have the room for more than two baby and two fish tacos is my limit.


Sue said…
That is so cute that you only have room for 1 baby and 2 tacos! I am looking forward to a trip to HI to get Isom to make some for me sometime! Sounds yummy! Not looking forward to heading back to WA after all this sunshine...let's hope the weather will get better and VERY soon. Love you and love that you read my blogs and make comments! YOU are the best. Hugs to all, love, aunt sue xo
FootPrints said…
Oh man that look good!! is that chinese parsley i see??? my FAVE
Larisa said…
You know it! Can NOT have fish tacos without the Chinese parsley (CILANTRO!).

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