
...many might say I'm NOT since I don't even eat meat. BUT according to this definition from "someone who has an ardent or refined interest in food.", I would say I am. I have a HUGE refined interest in Taco Flavored Doritos, Little Debbie Zebra Cakes, Nature Valley Granola Thins, and Nutella (the things that have been making my tummy happy these days). While I love a good meal out on the town made with organic veggies, and French sauces, paired with fine wine, I also love a good old bean burrito from taco bell. A true foodie should be able to appreciate all foods right? Here's to my Doritos...and granola thins. Thanks Alison for sending me the chips and Isom for buying not one, but two boxes of the granola treat from Costco for me. Food is love...and I'm feeling loved.


Anonymous said…
You are defintely a foodie in my book!
Larisa said…
Yes, if foodie means addict. Lol.

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