Honolulu Burger Company

This is a place that could make me want to eat meat again. The veggie burger I had yesterday was succulent. I almost felt like I was eating meat...had to lift up my taro bun a couple times to make sure. This was my first time using GROUPON and my first time trying the Honolulu Burger Company. I think I have discovered the perfect marriage...using coupons to try new places. A discount, just in case it's not to my liking. But, HBC was. I also had their fries which along with my burger, were some of the best I've had...the only one in recent memory that is comparable are the fries and veggie burger from The Counter. I will return for the ahi sandwich, a shake, and their version of sweet potato fries...GROUPON or not.


Anonymous said…
This looks AMAZING!

I was wondering about GROUPON~ glad to know somebody who has tried it.
Larisa said…
It's all the rage here on Oahu!

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