I wanted Judy Moody (we'll just call it that since the entire title is ridiculously long) to be a much cuter film than it was. I spent the majority of the time wanting to reach through the screen and brush that little red heads hair. Judy Moody is a quality piece of work---if an eight year old wrote, directed, and filmed it. But, I get the feeling that wasn't the case. Gabe loved it. It was made for his ultra silly sense (well, I think NO sense of humor) of humor. He really thought it was the best...so good thing we saw Super 8 the day before so he could have some idea of what a GOOD movie is all about. I can't let his taste in movies be Judy Moody...I will feel I have failed as a parent. Super 8 was a whole lot of not appropriate, but it reminded me so much of great Spielberg movies of the past, that I lapsed in parental judgment for two hours and decided a few four letter words, as long as I covered Gabe's eyes during certain scenes, was totally acceptable. We can blame pregnancy brain and the fact that we are going on three weeks straight of me and Gabe one on one time, on this lapse in judgment. I still stand by the fact that Super 8 was a great movie! And that Elle Fanning, Dakota's sister, a MUCH better actress. If you are wondering what movie to take the kiddos to this summer---your options so far are bored to tears lame-0 eight year old humor comedy with bad hair OR the coolest suspense thriller that pays homage to such great films as Goonies, E.T., and Close Encounters of the Third Kind. It's tough to decide what kind of mom to be sometimes...the shield them from all things negative, gory, scary, and bad kind or the kick ass fun one who might expose them to their first PG-13 experience...at age 7 and three quarters.
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