Magnificent Marshmallow Milkshakes

...and alliteration too. Thank you Danielle, Facebook, and ValSoCal blog. It was a perfect trinity of these three elements that led to my discovery of this easy, delicious sweet treat. And now, all I can think about is all the different ways to make other fabulously fresh flavored milkshakes. The ingredients for yesterdays milkshake masterpiece were ice cream, milk, and toasted marshmallows (which for some reason I had never dreamed of simply placing in the oven on a baking sheet and broiling). I learned several things from making these milkshakes yesterday:
1. my husband of 11 years does NOT like milkshakes and we may no longer be compatible
2. milkshakes are easy and fun to make
3. I love marshmallow milkshakes
4. it takes 1 min to toast the perfect marshmallow (s'mores just got a whole lot easier)
5. my iPhone pictures are worse than I thought (Danielle took a milkshake iPhone photo that turned out super cute!)
6. despite the bazillion cups/mugs I have (if you've been to my house and seen the Starbucks collection you know it's no exaggeration), there was still nothing suitable enough to match the cuteness of the marshmallow shake...I'll be working on straw and cupware for the next big milkshake project
Anyway, for more cute ideas, check out Danielle's blog and ValSocal's blog. Blog Bliss.


Anonymous said…
I saw the Mason Jar with handle cups at a store - I'm totally going to go get them just for this milkshake. :)

This milkeshake is so simple and so amazing!!! Did Gabe love it?
Larisa said…
Yes, thankfully I can count on Gabe to love sweets! He thought I was Julia Child after serving that up! I agree, the mason jars will be so cute!

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