So it was the third movie we saw in one week...at the actual movie theater. It is a nice alternative to getting sunburned at the beach. I don't usually like movies with animals as co-stars. Animals are not actors to me. However, this movie (based on a children's book as I understand) was better than most movies starring animals. Maybe I only like penguins with their cute little black and white suits. Who knows. The story line was cute and appropriate for both adults and kids (I'm redeeming myself from the Super8 mishap). The movie featured comic genius Jim Carrey (who toned it down and wasn't so overly Jim Carrey, a.k.a obnoxious) and screen legend Angela Lansbury...who apparently can't get away from solving mysteries. I would recommend this movie as an alternate to the Judy Moody flick. Popper's Penguins are amusing, cute, lovable, and cool---it was a refreshing way to spend a hot summer afternoon---wishing I were a penguin.
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